ProtectLiB GmbH (ProtectLiB) is a technology-driven spin-off of the University of Graz, which was founded by the highly motivated founders Jürgen Abraham, Tobias Kopp, and Chris Pichler in 2024. ProtectLiB implements a sustainable circular economy in the European battery value chain for lithium-ion batteries (LIB) using a new recycling process. LIBs are playing an increasingly important role (in the consumer sector ‘3C’, in e-mobility, as energy storage, etc.). The solution consists of a decentralized system for safely shredding the batteries, mechanical/physical separation of the components, and chemical post-treatment using Green Chemistry to recover the individual components. The energy required comes from the surpluses of other processes. In this way, ProtectLiB reduces the consumption of resources and makes it possible to reuse raw materials to close the battery value chain.